Application For Online Voting System Using Android

Abstract—Voting is an important aspect for democratic countries. Elections decide which candidate is capable and also decides the future of that country therefore elections should be as transparent as possible and should have high level of security. But the existing voting system has some flaws like time consuming process because voter has to wait in queue for casting their vote also there is lesser security in present voting sys tem. Due to this, inclination of voters is decreasing towards voting and voting percentage decreases. To overcome these issues and to improve the existing voting system we are designing online voting system using android application which will give better system security and vote casting become less time consuming process and it will provide better results. Voter can cast vote remotely from anywhere in the country with the help of an android device and voting application on his device. Voters must have internet connection on their android device to cast vote from remote place. Android application will be compatible with almost all the android devices so that every voter should get benefit of online voting system. It has higher level of security as it has two stage authentication technique i.e. Facial recognition and One Time Password (OTP). Voter data that is his facial images and voter id will be stored on the database. Verification process is done by server itself. Facial image of voter will fetched by android application which will be then forwarded to server for further verification, also thereafter One Time Password will be provided to the voter on his registered mobile number for further verification process for vote casting. Voter is allowed to cast his vote after successful verification with facial recognition and One Time Password. Results of election will be displayed on individual voter’s device in terms of notification and voter will get updates about election to enhance the system performance.Keywords—Android, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), One Time Password (OTP), Database

Voting plays a very important role in any democratic country .Voting is the system where citizens choose and replace government by doing elections. Hence these elections must be accurate and transparent. When elections are happening there is need for lot of man power for completion of elections properly and with desired security. Although lot of man power is used in elections there is no guarantee that elections will be done with no fake votes. Sometimes there are chances that fake votes can be done. Also for voting voter has to go to the voting booth and stand in line for long time. Due to this the percentage of voting reduced in some amount. Currently used voting system consumes much time and it is a very hectic process. Application for Online Voting System using Android Device (AOVSAD) provides the facility of casting votes without visiting the booth to the voters. The facial recognition secures the system by allowing the authentic voter for voting. One time password (OTP) provides another level of security to the system. To avoid fake voting and for providing voter an extra comfort by doing vote from remote place so that voter inspired to cast his vote and voting percentage will increase phenomenally. A new technique as Mobile based Facial Recognition can be implemented. This system provides extra bandwidth utilization for voting system.

Existing voting system is a major issue in our country and researchers have tried to prescribe various techniques to improve the system. The system presented by [1], is the electronic voting system using GSM mobile technology.
When ready to vote, the voter can send a message to GSM modem and can cast their vote after IVR authentication. This also presents a website voting system with system generated OTP and verification of iris. The system designed in [3], gives the overview of the online voting system using mobile application. It provides security keys like mobile face recognition and OTP verification. This approach proposed by [4], use PCA which is a standard method used for recognition of statistical design in order to reduce dimensionality and used for feature extraction from particular object that is it extracts important information in terms of pattern. It is used to preserve the important information of the pattern of the object and used to remove redundant information. The paper proposed by [6], the system utilizes the camera system on mobile devices; system identification can be done by a person using face recognition system. In this system, the facial recognition is done with the use of cloud computing. The paper by [7], one of the ways to prevent the password theft is to avoid using static password and to authenticate a user with One Time Password. Using instant messaging service available in internet, user will obtain OTP after image authentication. The image based authentication method relies on the user’s ability to recognize pre-chosen pictures. Some of the above approaches are developed and implemented separately. Some are good in security aspects but are not efficient to use with the current system. Some give an overview of the technologies that can be used to improve the conventional system but not the actual implementation. Available approaches have to be improved in security aspects and simplicity.The system we designed to overcome these flaws will mainly target the urban population.

·The process of voting starts with android application which is installed on the smart phone of voter. The voter has to login with voter id which was assigned during registration. ·After proper login, the voter is asked to send his/her photo for face matching which is the first authentication stage.
·Face matching is performed at server side. If the face recognition is successful, the server will generate an OTP and it will be sent on the voter’s registered mobile number. Otherwise, if recognition is unsuccessful, the voter is asked to send the photo again and not allowed for further process until voter is authenticated with face recognition. ·Then Voter will be asked to provide the OTP sent on his/her mobile number. If OTP verification is successful, voter will be allowed for the voting process. Else server will send another OTP after some pre-decided time and again the same process will be repeated. This is the second authentication stage. ·At the end, the voter will be allowed to vote 
and that response will be submitted to the server. Counting of votes and results will happen at server side.

We have designed an Android application which has to be used as a GUI for voting system. We have used OTP as an authentication in the application. This system generates the OTP which is done using a pair-based authentication scheme. Then it has to be decipher the OTP encrypted using playfair cipher process and send it to the server. The server checks if the both OTPs are matching or not. And further allows user for voting. A website is also designed for registration of voter and candidate. Voter or candidate can fill up the details through the website form and can register for the voting process. The website also shows the candidate details to the person who has logged in to the site. This website is interfaced with the XAMPP server which is our prototype server for this system. The server has database where all the details of voters and candidates are stored. It also stores the voting details and vote count. Already voted person will not be allowed for voting again because his/her voting history is recorded by the server. A.Resourse Utilization [ CPU, RAM, Server, Database] For Developing voting application the minimum requirement of hardware devices is 4GB of RAM minimum, monitor of any brand, at least 120 GB of hard disk and Intel processor P4 3.0MHZ.The software requirements are Windows 10/8/7 (32 or 64 bit), Java Development Kit(JDK) 8, Android studio and the languages required are JAVA, JavaScript, PHP and HTML. The XAMPP server is used with database. The backend language used for the server is PHP. The android application will be installed on a smartphone which must have android version of 5.1 or above and RAM of more than 1GB. The size of application is 560Kb. By using above requirements, the application can be developed and used. B.Android App Layout Following shows android application layout of AOVSAD system,

This is a novel technique that will give us best results in terms of security through facial recognition and OTP verification. This voting system helps everybody to cast their votes remotely without any problem. So this will increase the inclination of voters towards voting and will give us the better results


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